ReRa Solutions provides various kinds of Reference Cells. On this page, the main differences between the various cells are described.
Open Reference Cell:
- 4-wire connection
- Complete measurement of IV-curve of the cell is possible
- Available parameters: Voc, Isc, Jsc, Vmpp, Impp, Efficiency and Fill Factor
- Professional measurement equipment (RR-1029 Solar Cell IV-Converter or Keithley) is required
- Measurement purpose: detailed measurement and comparison of solar cell material + measurement solar irradiance
Shunted Reference Cell:
- Including 500mΩ resistor (shunt)
- Current of the cell is known
- Calibration value = voltage produced at 1000Wm-2 solar light
- Easy and commonly used method because simple voltmeter can be used to determine light irradiance
- Measurement purpose: only for measurement of solar irradiance